Keep Your House in Top Shape: An Incredibly Handy home maintenance checklist

Home maintenance isn’t just surface cleaning and decorating. The important things to pay attention to are the constantly running facilities that keep your home up and running. So instead of doing the annual lets-freak-out-and-spend-a-ton-of money routine to fix things, here is a checklist of the must-dos to keep everything running smoothly. Without moms help.

  1. Pest control – Not your least favourite family members, relatives or neighbors, but regular treatments for termites, rodents, mosquitos etc. improve the health of the building and the residents. Ideally this should be done every month.
  1. Drains and septic tanks need to be cleared regularly to avoid clogging, overflow and backflow. Can be done twice a month. Believe us when we say you don’t want any of those things happening. Apart from cleaning an extremely hazardous mess, there will be the mental trauma to deal with.
  1. Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors need to be checked and cleared regularly. Cleaning twice a year is sufficient and also a good time to make sure that your fire extinguisher wasn’t bought a novelty store that only a clown can operate.
  1. A/c filters and ducts and exhaust vents should be cleared of dust, smog and pests. Quarterly maintenance is ideal. This also helps the system run at the right amount of power. If you’re a high profile individual, cleaning out your vents will also reveal hidden spies, assassins and other equally hilarious film clichés.
  1. Keep a panel of handymen on call for electrical, plumbing and other civil work issues. Not to be confused with top men in the mobster game, which may be a different kind of protection for your house. Definitely an offer you can’t refuse.
  1. Use materials treated with pest control formulas. A good way to prevent harmful bacteria and disease from spreading. It’s also a plus point to not wake up in the morning and have breakfast in a hazmat suit.
  1. Functioning of CCTV cameras, Intercom connections and other security equipment should be checked once a fortnight. A good way to check is trying breaking into your own establishment. Or hire a professional to do that. Actually, no. Don’t do that, unless its batman.
  1. Potential fire/explosions/gas leak hazards should be checked quarterly. Pipelines and cylinders are prone to damage if they aren’t kept in the right environment. Avoid making a Michael Bay movie and keep your home safe.
  1. Electricity/water meters and pumps should be checked twice a month. If avoided, you run the risk of going over the usable limits. Or they could stop functioning which gives no indication to the amount used. Which is great, till the money collectors stop by.
  1. Fuel for generators should be checked fortnightly. Especially if you’re in an area that is prone to power outages regularly. It would also be a good time to check for leakages in the fuel line to ensure that it doesn’t become a hazard. Excess fuel can be put into your car. It would be advisable to try it on the neighbors vehicle first.